Creating a Space For All
Friends of Light Street Park (Inc) is a not for profit community led association. We are a group of your neighbours, keenly interested in seeing Light St Park rejuvenated, enhanced, and maintained as an important community space to support an active, engaged and inclusive community for all.
We believe in the power of connection and are committed to creating opportunities for people of all ages to come together. Join us in our mission to create this vibrant community.

Friends of Light St Park (Inc). plans to be a voice in the design, horticultural, conservation, and maintenance activities in Light St Park.
We will consult and liaise with stakeholders, including the Urban Parks and Places section of Transport Canberra & City Services in relation to its activities, and we will seek support and funding for those activities.
We will engage with the community in the Light Street precinct to consult on, garner support for, and secure resources for the activities of the Association.

We are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of our park- its trees, open space and the surrounding areas. We would like to develop a longer term park plan to ensure longevity.
We want to keep the park tidy and clean for all to enjoy. At times you may see volunteers tidying and weeding, if you are interesting in joining please come and chat. Please let us know when the park needs some attention and we will lodge a Fix My Street request to Transport Canberra & City Services. Fix My Street is an online tool that lets you report an issue to City Services for attention.

William Light
Streets in Griffith, ACT bear the names of significant Australian explorers. Light Street is named after Colonel William Light (27 April 1786 – 6 October 1839). He was the first Surveyor-General of the new British Province of South Australia. He chose the site for Adelaide, designed the layout of its streets, six city squares, gardens and the figure-eight Adelaide Park Lands. His plan is often referred to as "Light's Vision". In December 1837, Light led an exploration from Adelaide, discovering and naming the Barossa Range, after which the Barossa Valley was named.
Our Concept Plan
What are your ideas?
To start the conversation about ideas for our park, we have developed a Park Concept Plan (see below) - a vision for the community. This is just to start the ball rolling to encourage ideas to flow.
Some ideas thus far:
Upgraded children’s playground to make it safe, inclusive, and accessible to all.
A dedicated nature play area for children.
A community sensory garden that is inclusive and accessible to all ages, the young, and not so young.
A mural applied to the Telstra Exchange building facing the playground to beautify the area and better connect the building to the vision of the park.
Tell us your ideas by completing the below survey.